lunedì 21 novembre 2011

How to survive your first Take That concert :)

I know that around the world there are lots of people like me: never been at a Take That concert before. Just to explain: I feel at home in rock festivals with mud on my feet, I'm used to bands playing instruments without dancers, lights, giant men, water falling, Matrix coats and flashing jackets. But sometimes strange things happen and people like me go to a Take That concert: cultural shock. So, that's a surviving list for everyone who will go to a Take That concert for the first time next time they'll be on tour (if they'll be back, I haven't understood that yet).
Be prepared and you'll enjoy it since the beginning. It's like climbing a mountain: you know what to do and what to expect = no fear of heights.
How to survive your first Take That concert:
1- A week before the concert start listening to hard rock, metal, screaming bands. High-volume on. Why? Because when you'll arrive screams will seem whispers and you believe your head is going to explode. Yes, thatters scream. A lot. Great passion, good for them. Better be prepared.
2- The day before the concert watch the movie Thirteen. When you'll listen teenagers having rated R conversations about men older than their parents you won't stare at them thinking "What happened to new generations?!?".
You'll hear them and you'll think they are just teenagers, maybe the best ones.
3- Put in your bags a lot of handkerchiefs. Fans cry: when they arrive at the stadium because they're happy, during the concert because they love the song and the members of the band, after the show because it ended, the day after because it was great and they would love to do everything again from the start. Handkerchiefs...they could save your clothes from the make up of your friends hugging you because they need a good comfort hug.
4- Just keep the browser of your smartphone opened on Take That wiki page or write or print some essential notes and take them with you. People around you could start a conversation and you could do the mistake of saying out loud: "oh, but I don't know, I wasn't a fan". Just one phrase and in one second you feel hundreds of stares...100% uneasiness. Find an excuse to check your phone or to give a look to your bag and you'll be fine.
5- If you can decide where to sit/place yourself: go near a man/boy and his girlfriend. When you'll start thinking "what am I doing here? I'm a nerd and an indie rock kind of girl" you can look at him: lost, a little bit shocked, staring at his thatter think you're in the wrong place? He's in a worst position than yours + looking at what he did for love will warm your heart: lucky girl!
6- If someone asks you something about what's happening on stage always answer "I don't know" and smile. Never try to give a meaning to what you're looking. Example: the lost boy of point 5 asks you "Why is one of singers riding a caterpillar?". Don't start saying "I have no idea but if it's from Alice in wonderland it could be a metaphor of finding your path and adapting to the environment around you. I really hope it's not because of some interpretations of the smoking caterpillar as a hidden reference to drug use because it's not true. That's not what the author wanted to talk about...". The poor boy would be even more shocked because of you, wondering if he needs to call a mental institution and never talk again even if he'll be even more worried when a giant mechanical man starts rising. Don't use your brain too much and smile: it is a best answer. Always.
7- Be sure to have some food rich in sugar: you probably woke up early to arrive there and in summer it's really hot + you're out of your boundaries = increasing stress. You need a rush of sugar to your blood. Drink as much as you need but remember that the audience is made of 99% you know outlets during sales? Yes, that's so crowded you'll prefer to go back to the hotel if you can or try to find a tree if you're desperate.
8- When the show is ended and you're waiting to go out the stadium don't look back. You could see all that garbage and start thinking "I really hope they're recycling that or at least plant trees to compensate the impact they had on Earth". And if later you can't find anything about this subject on google (= they probably don't care at all) you could even feel guilty because you were there. Okay, maybe this is just me. Pass to point number 9.
9- Remember that it's amazing to try new experiences and go out of your boundaries. Enjoy the music, enjoy the show, enjoy the people. Even if you're not a fan and you have listened only to one album you'll spend an amazing day with your friends. Maybe you'll love it, maybe you won't, but who cares? You'll have a great time if you don't think too much about what you don't like. You need to jump if you wanna know if you like bungee jumping. Same there: you need to go and then decide.
10- Don't worry about friends and people around you. They could behave like teenagers but they've grown up. They won't judge you if you are honest and say you still prefer other kinds of music. They won't stop be your friends because of this. The time when you could be classified as a loser just because you're different it's over. And, believe it or not, thatters are some of the nicest fans around. They are full of passion, they have different ages and they will welcome you in your family even if you like just half of the songs or if you look like you want to run as far as you can when you start hearing the screams. They are moms, daughters, sisters, cousins and friends. It's one of the best audience you could ever be, believe me!

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